Free Health Chat
At Marlborough House our therapy team offer all our clients the opportunity to come in and have a free health chat/assessment to meet us and find out exactly how we can help. We can offer appointments Monday – Friday.
Call 01823 272227 or email contact@mh-tc.com to book.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a safe established therapy with a proven track record in helping people to regain control of their lives. It enables people to identify and then change the behavioural habits that are holding them back, providing them with the opportunity to rethink negative emotions and beliefs, and make better choices. It is an easy way to re-learn behaviours and beliefs using the conscious and subconscious mind.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help?
Sometimes we are confronted with a problem in life that we simply cannot solve on our own. It can even feel as though we are working against ourselves. Or perhaps there is a pattern that seems to continually repeat itself, each time providing the same undesirable outcome.
It is in these situations that hypnotherapy can provide help and support. Whether you are in the grip of a phobia, suffering from anxiety, depression, stress, or disabling panic attacks, hypnotherapy can help overcome whatever it is that is limiting your ability to achieve. Hypnotherapy helps people to identify the cause of their limiting thoughts and belief behaviours. Whether you are trying to lose weight, fearful of making a speech, or terrified to get on a plane, hypnotherapy really can help.
Unlock the transformative potential of hypnotherapy to alleviate anxiety and depression, guiding you towards a calmer, more resilient state of mind.
How Does It Work?
At MH Hypnotherapy we work on finding the solution to help you as quickly and effectively as possible, in order to ease the suffering.
We offer a range of therapies and techniques that often complement one another, enabling you to feel safe, relaxed and at ease during a treatment session.
Once you are in a relaxed state, you have the ability to connect with your own way of knowing and feeling. By asking you insightful questions we will identify unhelpful and limited assumptions that you may be operating from, providing you with the necessary tools to correct this behaviour.
A large part of our work is helping people to form new insights into ways of thinking that support and serve them in their present day and future lives. The tools and processes we teach enable you to:
- Use intelligent questions to get better results from life
- Access more of your resources by using the conscious and subconscious mind
- Become attuned to your own senses and inner knowing
- Be clear as to what and who you want in your life
What To Expect From a Hypnotherapy Session?
In essence, hypnotherapy is a learning procedure that takes place whilst you are in a relaxed state. The trance state induced by hypnotherapy is totally safe. It is a place between alertness and sleep that we all access at least twice a day. The trance state leaves your mind free of its usual distractions so that you can access more of your own resources and knowledge.
Nabeeh Marar is a leading practitioner in the field of natural medicine. A respected hypnotherapist, he has been based at the highly-regarded Marlborough House clinic in Somerset for 25 years. Traditional hypnosis, guided imagery and visualisation techniques, Energetic NLP, and intuitive cognitive approaches are used to help people identify the negative emotions and beliefs that are preventing them from solving their inner problems and achieving their goals.
Who can hypnotherapy help?
People who come for hypnotherapy sessions are typically experiencing some kind of problem. A hypnotherapy session provides the perfect environment to help clients identify the negative emotions and beliefs that cause them to resist change and prevent them from moving forward in life. It enables people to review the strategies they use and to make new choices for themselves.
How long is a session?
A session will typically last for 60 minutes.
What can Hypnotherapy Help?
Fear & Phobias
Relationship Issues
Exhaustion & Burnout
Grief & Loss
Performance Improvement