Gemma Carver - Acupuncture
Gemma is a fully qualified acupuncturist graduating from the college of integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading and obtaining a BSc degree. Gemma practices an integrated style of acupuncture combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and 5 Element.
Alongside acupuncture Gemma is also trained in traditional Chinese medicine therapies including cupping, moxibustion and guasha which enables her to integrate a tailored treatment for the individual patient regarding their health and requirements.
Gemma is passionate about treating fertility, gynaecology issues, pain, and emotional wellbeing. Gemma has a background working in spa’s as a spa therapist for over 10 years, which enables her to bring a natural holistic and gentle approach to each treatment.
If you would like to discuss a particular health condition or require more information regarding acupuncture and treatment, please feel free to get in touch for a free 20-minute talk to see if Gemma can assist you.