Neck and Back Pain

Neck and back pain can be debilitating, affecting the smooth running of your life at home and at work. Osteopathy is an effective and well-recognised treatment for all types of neck and back pain. Recent research (UK BEAM trial) has shown osteopathy significantly improves lower back pain. Owing to osteopathy’s cost-effectiveness, the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) has recommended its use.Osteopathic Techniques

At Marlborough House we use many osteopathic techniques, including gentle massage, stretching and mobilisation, as well as the even more gentle and supportive cranial techniques.

Osteopaths treat your whole body, and our approach is always holistic – we’ll tailor a programme to you as an individual. We can also give you advice about stretching, and guidance on lifestyle habits to help support your body’s ability to recover. Whether you have a sports-related injury or some wear and tear of the vertebrae, we can help you move with more freedom and ease.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a hands-on therapy that relies on the skill of the practitioner and the natural resources in your body. It is so gentle that it is suitable for babies, children and the elderly, as well as adults. Cranial practitioners are trained to listen to the subtlest rhythms in your body using gentle touch – these rhythms include the fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid. They rebalance this fluid, so that the parts of your body where you are suffering pain, tension and congestion become more relaxed and begin to function more efficiently.

CST sessions can offer you benefits other than simply a relief of your symptoms. These can include easier sleep, a calmer attitude, increased physical mobility and less pain.

Alexander Technique

How you stand, walk, and move your body can have a significant effect on your health and well-being. The Alexander Technique is a simple, practical therapy for guiding you towards feeling more comfortable in your body. Working closely with your practitioner, you’ll identify bad habits in your posture and body movements that have built up over the course of your lifetime.

You may be suffering from one or more of the following: backache, stiff neck, tension, stress, poor posture, general aches, or persistent pain. These, as well as many other symptoms, can benefit from a course in the Alexander Technique. You should emerge with better balance and coordination, feeling better physically and mentally.

Please call us now to book your FREE back check – 01823 272227.